Sales Process

Integrated with other Processes, the system provides real time information:

  1. Purchasing Status of Individual Sales Order : Item/Qty needed to be purchased, Not yet Purchased Item/Qty, Purchased Item/Qty
  2. Cost of Individual Sales Order : Purchased Cost, Cost Involved, G.P.
  3. Progress Status of Individual Sales Order : 'Confirmed', 'Partially Delivered', 'Fully Delivered', 'Settled'.
  4. Delivery Status : Delivered Item/Qty, Outstanding Delivery Item/Qty
  5. Sales Value, Invoiced Value and Settled Value based on Date Range, Customer, Profit Center
  6. Product Item Qty Sold History, Monthly comparison..

The sales order process allows users to operate and manage the Sales Order Process efficiently and effectively. It closely monitors the progress of each sales order and related processes in order to ensure business fulfillment, and also reports all the cost involved in each sales order which enables user to perform 'Job Cost Control' function.

Standard Functions

  • Sales Order, Invoice, Delivery Note, Stock Out Note, Sales Returns, Credit Note

Progress Monitoring

  • Delivery progress and settlement progress can be monitored by relevant report with filter of different status
  • Percentage of Completion Meter is attached in each SO which is auto-updated by Delivery Process
  • Settled percentage Meter is attached in each SO which is auto-updated by MoneyIn Process

Price, Discount and Currency

  • Pre-defined price level respond to quantity selected
  • Discount for customer can be auto-calculated for each SO
  • Product price can be auto-calculated according to currency

Sales Commission Calculation

  • Commission can be auto-calculated with pre-defined salesman commission rate

Effective Goods Delivery process

  • Integrated with Stock Out Process guarantee accuracy and efficiency
  • Quantity of stock is auto-updated in delivery process
  • Vouchers are auto-generated
  • Invoice, Delivery Note and Stock Out Note, Packing List can be auto-generated for convenient printing
  • Outstanding order can be monitored by request day of customer and ETA of related PO
  • Delivery history can be retrieved any time for analysis

Credit Control

  • Instant warning on sales order with over credit limit is provided
  • Let-Go can be applied for over-credit

Settlement Monitoring

  • Outstanding Payment and Settlement Record are provided for easy review

Enquiry and Report Printing

  • Sales Order Report / Invoice Report – filtered by single/multiple items:
    • Status
    • Customer
    • Date Range
  • Sales Order Cost Detail Report
    • Include related costs and expenses of SO such as sub-contracting, handling, entertainment and traveling – easily analyze gross profit of each Sales Order