Inventory Control Process

Inventory Control Process

Inventory Control Process is a component of supply chain management. Inventory Control Module integrated with others business process. In EMOi Inventory Control Module, Inventory Data directly updated from different process. Situation of Goods items can be seen easily...

  1. How many 'REAL' Available Qty (On-hand Qty, On-Order Qty, Engaging Qty and Reserved Qty, these four elements to calculate the 'REAL' Available Qty of inventory)
  2. Where is the Goods (Warehouse and Location)
  3. How long the Goods in stock
  4. Stock Transaction History (Attached with ref.No of Sales Order, Job Order etc., by filter of the, the cost of the job can be easily calculated)

EMOi Inventory Control Module also enables users to perform Stock In/Out processes efficiently and accurately, and to ensure inventory is maintained at proper levels.

Standard Functions

  • Stock In, Stock Out, Stock In/Out Confirmation, Stock Transfer

Auto-Generated Stock In/Out Notes

  • Stock In / Out Notes are auto-generated in:
    • Delivery Process of Sales Orders Process
    • Goods Receipt Process of Purchasing Process
    • Stock Transfer Process
    • Stock Adjustment

Effective Stock In/Out Confirmation

  • Non-Confirmed list of Stock In/Out Notes shown on the screen for easy review
  • Confirmation is mainly done by one-trick button

Auto Stock In/Out update

  • Current Stock In/Out records are auto-updated when stock transaction is done

Stock Transfer

  • Stock can be transferred within or across any warehouses
  • Stock transfer can be done by just entering the transfer quantity
  • Voucher is auto-generated if the accounts are different
  • Stock In / Out Notes are auto-generated
  • Inventory/bin Records are auto-updated